
UX/UI, Interaction design + branding

Design lead, project management

Health band for people with period 

There is no reason why caring for the period should involve such confusions and frustrations for some. This is a fixable problem — one that a kickass group of scientists at Junlam and designers who help to approach the problem from a woman's perspective.

JPulse is a product design that reimagines the period health monitoring from a customer-centered perspective, beginning with the design of the companion app. 

01 Problem -

Confusion, frustration & embarrassment

When it comes to period care, most women are comprehensive and feeling overwhelmed. Currently, there are products that are in the market keeping track of periods. However, very little guidance is given to people who have problems understanding why they have irregular periods. On top of all the confusions, period is a complex problem. Many factors could cause the irregularities. And there are not good products that could track potential underlying problems that could cause the problems.

02 Solution -

A Comprehensive solution to all

There is no reason why caring for the period should involve such confusions and frustrations for some. This is a fixable problem — one that a kickass group of scientists at Junlam and designers who help to approach the problem from a woman's perspective.

JPulse is a product design that reimagines the period health monitoring from a customer-centered perspective, beginning with the design of the companion app. 

04 Wireframes -

The user research insights we have discovered is that menstrual health is a general concern for most women but they get used to the problems. Therefore, the most important goal of this product is to help women to understand the different aspects associated with the special time of their month and take care of themselves.

05 Visual Explorations -

Comfort . Relaxed . Reliable

The goal of this product is to make women feel relaxed and comfortable when using. Therefore, when exploring color explorations, I have mainly chosen the more comforting and soft color combinations for inspiration. We have settled down on a pink and purple gradient after three iterations. 

Comfort . Relaxed . Reliable

The goal of this product is to make women feel relaxed and comfortable when using. Therefore, when exploring color explorations, I have mainly chosen the more comforting and soft color combinations for inspiration. We have settled down on a pink and purple gradient after three iterations. 






The main goal of this set of onboarding cards is to give an overview of the different main functions of the app.





Measure pulse and display results

One of the main problem this app is solving is how to connect the device to the app and display the information about the measurement.





Show recommendations

Based on customers' measurements, the app would determine the type of their body condition. After that, the app would show recommendations and suggestions based on the body condition.