
UX/UI, Retail Design

Design lead, project management

A Space for People to Experience Brava's Cooking 

In the summer of 2018, Brava is scheduled to open a retail space in Palo Alto, CA for people to come in and experience Brava's cooking and gather more information about the oven. The goal is to establish the brand and have people be inspired after walking into the store and eventually purchase the oven.

Imagine the Customer Flow

I started by imagining how the customer would interact with the store. Who are the customers that would be entering the space? Where would they enter the space? Where should they first look at? Would they sit down and talk with sales associates? etc.

With these questions in mind, I started sketching out ideas and constructing the layout of the store. And after a few iterations, these are the final demos of the store layout.

02 Solution -

Attention is in the Details

After finalizing the customer flow, I started to work on how the interior layout would be. First, the color palette reflects the brand guidelines. I am also working with marketing and store associates to choose the decors in the store. And give guidelines regarding adjusting different sets and layouts to cater to the events the store will host in the future.