Hello! I am Yingri Guan

I aspire to create simple and elegant solutions for complex problems through alternative ways of analyzing and interpreting information. Adventurous, curious and insightful by nature, I pay attention to global commonalities and differences between cultures in an effort to draw associations and connections.

With a multi-dimensional background in human-computer interaction, design, mathematics and research, I offer a unique, team-based approach to all stages of human-centered design.

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Design Sharing Outside of Work

In 2015, I had the honor to be invited to run a design workshop at maker space in Changsha. It was not something I would imagine myself doing. But I took the challenge and shared my thoughts on how doodling/sketching can help to generate more creative ideas. I planned for brainstorming and sketching sessions and some of the ideas that came out of the session were "smart garden that improve social interactions", "multifunctional chopping machine", "personal assistant drones" and "pancake making robots". I realize that by sharing my design thinking processes with people, it helps me to reflect on my processes. Being able to share means I need to understand concepts much better than I am just doing it myself.

Things I Like to Do

In my spare time, I like to paint in various medium and also Chinese calligraphy. I am also an avid traveller who draws inspiration from everything I see and experience. Yellow Stone National Park is my favorite place so far. Swimming and yoga are my favorite sports.